The last nine months at work have been spent on a project to create a fully automatic installation of a stand-alone Windows Servers infrastructure. Nothing fancy, just the basic Serverroles one might need in a stand-alone Domain. I had alot…
diskpart.exe CommandLine Interface
The easiest way to connect to you iSCSI storage LUNs from Windows Server 2008 is by using the iSCSI initiator GUI. With the GUI you can easily make a connection with your iSCSI Storage by giving the ip-address and dynamically…
Add Windows 2008 Firewall rule with CLI
For security reasons it is wise to keep your Windows firewall turned on. Even internal networks are not free of hack attempts. So to make sure the installed programs are functioning with the firewall turned on, you have to do…
Sysprep Windows Server 2008
With Windows Server 2008 the newSID tool can no longer be used in combination with imaged deployment of servers. A deployment method that becomes even more important in Server Virtualization and Provisioned Infrastructures. Microsoft has improved the sysprep tooling by…
Wake on LAN settings for XenServer 5.5
One of the create extra features on most NICs nowadays is the support for Wake On LAN. An option to wake up your system by sending a signal to your Network Interface Card (NIC). This signal can be a so…